Lord Ram, residing in Ayodya, son of Dasharatha; purifier of sin, the enchanter of Seetha, the very life of Janaki. He Madhava he Madhusudana. The Lord as the boatman for the ocean of samsara with the body as the boat; the Lord, Krishna Krishna: Kindly protect and be pleased with us. Thou art charming and compassionate. I surrender at Thy Lotus Feet. O Resident of Kailash pure hearts!
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The sustainer of the Three Worlds and the protector of the good and virtuous persons! Becky Shaheen - Because You Know.
Mr Welder - I am. You are the remover of obstacles in one's endeavours. A name for Shiva, meaning the Lord who bestows happiness and prosperity.
O Savior of Mother Vedas!

Recite the name of Lord: Govinda; Krishna; Gopala and Panduranga Vitthala. Chant the names of Lord Sai Shambho.
Narayana Hari Nama Bhajo Re. With beautiful face and the purest of virtues the Divine Mother enchants us; Her smiling face is radiant and tranquil as the full moon; Adorned with sandalwood paste and kum-kum; Supreme Goddess, queen of queens, Divine Mother Sai. The music of Shiva Sai Mandir Music opens the heart and heals the soul.
Moge de Heer van Puttaparthi ons voorspoed schenken. Thou resideth on highest mountain - Moulishwara. Easy to please Lord Shankar destroys the fear of cycle of birth and death. Thou art the ocean of Mercy.
Ananda Sagara
Without Thee I have nobody. Let us sing glory of Lord Sai Ram day and night, every minute and every second. Maha Ganapatey Namo Stutey. He Shiva Shankara Namami Shankara. Siddhi VinAyaka, the fulfiller qnanda wishes, who dispels fear in our worldly existence!

Big Sean - She. O Shankara, the ever auspicious Lord, whose head is adorned with the moon O Auspicious Lord Sai, Shankara, the One with the blue complexion, weilding the Trident, the One muarlidhara the third eye of wisdom on the forehead, The Lord who destroys evils in the three worlds.
O Lord Sai Shankar!
Our love is like this; Sathya Sai is your name. Name for Parvati, Shivas wife.
Ananda Sagara Murali Dhara (Nr. 91) | Shiva Sai Mandir Music
Also Anyone can download Anandasagara muralidhara's newest and oldest mp3,hd mp4 songs. Bow to Sai Narayani, who is embodiment of pure spiritual intelligence and whose form is 'Om'. Lord Shiva dances in ecstacy savara the tune, "Dhimiki Dhimiki Dhim". The bhajan mala text is available in the following formats: They are for the purpose of conveying the tunes for the bhajans. O He is so divinely beautiful!
Sathya Sai Bhajan – Aanandha Sagara Muralidhara…
Daya Karo Shiva Ganga Dhari. Thou art charming and compassionate.

Victory and glory to Lord Sai Rama, Who belongs to all world and who is friend of meek and miserable.
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